Instructions for Authors
World Journal of Peri & Neonatology (WJPN) is an international scientific semiannual publication of the Mother and Newborn Health Research Center of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.
All manuscripts must be submitted via the WJPN online manuscript submission system at
Authorship agreement
All authors must sign the authorship agreement and upload the signed form for initial submission. Any changes in the authorship should be approved by all authors and all authors have to sign a new authorship agreement. Changes in authorship after initial submission should be mentioned in a letter to the editor-in-chief.You can receive authorship agreement from here.
The text of the manuscript must be in Microsoft Word fotmat (DOC, DOCX or RTF format) and in English language.
Manuscript Categories
The authors should mention the type of manuscript in the cover letter including original articles, systematic review article, literature review article, book review, mini review, case report or case series, brief report, letter to the editor or commentaries.
Original Articles
These articles include RCTs, cohort, case control and cross sectional… which can be in biomedical, clinical, educational or policy field. Original articles should not be published before. Articles will be evaluated with a double blind peer review process by members of the editorial team.
Length: 3000 words, not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.
References: Up to 25.
Tables/Figures/Boxes: Up to 5.
Review Articles
Review articles summarize previously published scholarly research on a topic. Meta-analysis, systematic reviews and literature reviews are types of review articles.
Length: 4000 words, not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.
References: No more than 50.
Case Reports
It provides comprehensive and sufficient clinical information related to a single case or case series that explains the unusual relation between disease and manifestation or occurring rare feature during the course of a disease. It can be a report of a unique diagnostic or therapeutic approach.
Informed Consent
If images or data in a case report manuscript could be used to identify a patient, a signed statement of informed consent to publish (in print and online) should be obtained. This should be indicated in the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript.
Length: 2000 words, not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.
References: Up to 15.
Tables/Figures/Boxes: Up to 3.
Brief Reports
These reports are mainly used for presenting a shorter version of an original article that doesn't justify a full length paper and the editors believe its results are time sensitive and interesting to journal readers.
Length: 1500 words, not including abstract, references, tables, figures or boxes.
References: Up to 10.
Tables/Figures/Boxes: Up to 3.
Commentaries provide comments on previously published articles. The WJPN Editor-in-chief may invite to write commentaries on a specific topic under consideration by this journal. Commentaries should be between 700-1500 words and may include up to 15 references.
Letters to editors
Letters should be addressed to the WJPN Editor. Letters explains the support /opposite readers' opinion about previously published articles. Letters should not exceed 400 words or 2 pages.
Editorials are solicited rather than submitted, and relate to content in a specific issue of WJPN. Word count should be between 700-900 words (3-4 pages).
The order of submission:
1. Authorship agreement
2. Title page
3. Structured Abstract (or summary for case reports).
4. Main text
5. Tables and Figures
6. List of references
Cover letter
A cover letter concerning the submitted article should submit in cover letter box via the online submission. It should be written to editor-in-chief. At the beginning the authors should state the title and the type of manuscript. Then briefly express the background to the study, the question you tried to reply and the reason. Then you should clearly explain what was done, the major results and the reason that they are important. After that you should indicate why your article would be interesting for readers of the journal. Aims and scope of the journal might be helpful in explaining. Authors can suggest the journal to send the manuscript to some specific reviewers or ask the journal to avoid selecting some reviewers by mentioning their names and mentioning the reason in the cover letter. To conclude state your compliance with ethical standards and the corresponding author's full name.
Title Page
1. Type of article
2. Title of the article- written in English (a clear statement of the major contents of the research)
3. Running title, reflecting the content of the manuscript and no more than 50 characters
4. Authors' names, departments, institutions, city, and country of all co-authors.
5. Corresponding author's name, postal address, mobile phone number, and email.
6. Authors Declaration, including: Ethics approval and consent for participate or publication, competing interests, Funding, authors' contributions, acknowledgements).
This section mainly includes short and separate explanations about the main contents of the article to help readers for getting familiar with the whole project, hence, abstracts of all original articles, brief reports, reviews or meta-analysis should be no more than 250 words. It has to be self-contained and clear without any references, and briefly explains the main parts of the article and the most significant data. All information noted in the abstract must exist in the text. The case reports does not need structured abstract. There is no need to headlines. Keywords can be up to six. The use of MeSH terms are recommended as keywords.
Main Text
Each article requires its own text structure depending on the type of that manuscript or data. Citations in the text should be numbered sequentially in superscript using Arabic numerals, preferably undated.
Introduction: Introduction should present the relevance of the study with other published articles in the same field, explaining its limitations and possible controversies. The purpose of the research should be clearly presented at the end of the introduction.
Materials and Methods: This part contains all the considered methods, study designs, any specific clinical trial, sample size, study type, and sometimes included and excluded criteria. This information should be explained and referenced in detail for other investigators to be able to repeat the study. The details of special material or apparatus used for the study should be stated.
Results: The most significant findings should be explained. Findings should be presented in the same order as the study was performed. Text, figures, and tables should not be repetitive. Statistically relevant results should be presented with p values in parentheses.
Tables and charts: Tables and charts have to be in limited numbers. They have to be cited in the main text, in Arabic numerals consecutively. Tables and charts have to be submitted separately in DOC, DOCX, or RTF format. They must have legends.
Figures: The figures have to be in limited numbers in a format of JPEG or GIF. They have to be submitted separately from the text. They must be cited in the text consecutively, in Arabic numerals. Figures must have legends.
Discussion: This should discuss the study findings regarding the relevant literature and the study hypothesis. Discussion should explain the similarities and differences of the research in relation to the literature. It must also mention the limitations of the study and make suggestion for other investigators and future research.
Conclusions: These should be based on the results presented in the article. Details of findings should not be repeated. It must be short and clear.
Authors Declarations
The following sections come under the heading of ' Authors Declarations':
Ethics approval and consent to participate: Manuscripts reporting human participants must mention the name of the ethics committee, which approved the study and the committee’s reference number. Animals Studies must also have a statement on ethics approval.
Consent for publication: If the information or images in the manuscript might be used to identify the participants, consent to publish must be obtained from all participants. In the case of children, their parents should sign the consent statement. All case reports must have consent to publish in case of identifying the patient. The journal may request to see a copy of consent at any stage even after publication. You can state “Not applicable” in case of not containing data from any individual.
Competing interests: Competing interests (financial or non-financial) must be explained in this section. All of the authors of the manuscript must declare situations that may influence the development or the conclusions of the work. These situations can be financial, political, academic or commercial.
Funding: All sources of funding should be declared.
Authors' contributions: The individual contributions of authors should be explained in this section.
Conflict of interest
A conflict-of-interest statement for all authors must be included in the main document after the text. All of the authors of the manuscript must declare situations that may influence the development or the conclusions of the work in an improper manner. These situations can be financial, political, academic or commercial. Even if authors have no relevant conflict of interest to disclose, this should be indicated in the Acknowledgments section.
The names of people who contributed to the study, but did not meet the criteria for authorship should come in this section. Authors should have permission to acknowledge from them.
Manuscript references must be according to the Vancouver style. Citations should be numbered sequentially as they come in the text using Arabic numerals in superscript. Beyond six authors, et al must be used after the first six names. The issue number of journals should come in parentheses after the volume number. Tables, charts and figures must be cited in the text in numerical order as they come in the text.
In text referencing examples:
Journal Article references examples
Journal article
Khajehnoori S, Tabatabaee RS, Noori-Shadkam M, Lookzadeh MH, Mojibian M, Mirjalili M, et al. Prevalence of Fetomaternal Indications of Therapeutic Abortions in Yazd Province. World J Peri & Neonatol 2019; 2(1): 1-8.
McKenzie BC. Medicine and the Internet: Introducing Online Resources and Terminology. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 1997. p. 230-236.
Book chapter
Guyton JL, Crockarell JR. Fractures of acetabulum and pelvis. In: Canale ST, editor. Campbell's operative orthopedics. 10th Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby, Inc; 2003. p. 2939-2984.
Web sites
American Cancer Society.Cancer Facts & Figures 2003. Accessed March 3, 2003.
If abbreviations are used in the text they should be explained in the text at first use. A list of abbreviations must be prepared.